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- Duis autem vel eum
- Hendrerit in vulputate velit
- Esse molestie consequat
- Vel illum dolore feugiat
- Typi non habent
- Hendrerit in vulputate velit
- Esse molestie consequat
To understand more about the City Police Department, roll over to read about our
Vision and our Mission.
Since their humble beginnings in 1920, the dedicated officers of the City Police
Department have made it their mission to protect the citizens of our great community.
Here are a few milestones in the force’s history.
- How do I pay a parking ticket?
- How do I contest a municipal ticket I received?
- My vehicle was towed. Now what do I do?
- What job opportunities are available with CPD?
- How do I get an accident report?
- Can I file a police report about an incident online?
Pay Tickets
Pay your parking and photo enforcement tickets online.
Apply for a DC One Card
Middle and high school students can get their Dc One card ar school.
File Your Income Taxes
Find electronic filing services, forms, payment options and other information.
Jobs at DC Government
Search and apply for DC government jobs.
Driver Licenses
Steps required to obtain a District driver’s license, including tests and documentation.
Business License Verification
Certain license categories can be verified using the business license verification system.
Archived Lobbyist Activity
View archived OCF communications and lobbyist activity for January 2002...
Transcription Services
We can assist you in requesting transcripts for DC Government videos.
Be Ready DC
Create a plan for you and your family using this application.